Jamie is the owner of Jamie Ritchie Home Organization. She lives in Georgetown and serves the North Shore of Massachusetts. She is married with three kids, a bookworm, and loves her Peloton.
Organizing comes naturally to her and yes, she really does love it! She has a BS in Business Management and an MBA. In my prior life, I was a fundraiser and then an HR professional. Starting her own business has allowed her to channel her creativity and determination into solving busy individuals' organizational problems. This is by far her favorite career yet!
Raise your hand if you feel like your kids’ clothes are taking over your home. It’s a frustration I
hear from clients all the time, so I’m here with 5 tips to bring clarity to the closet and delight to
those drawers.
TIP #1: Be selective when accepting hand-me-downs. If you’re lucky enough to have nieces,
nephews, or friends who gift clothing to your kids, go through the items before you store them. If
you know that turtlenecks are your child’s nemesis, better to say “no thanks” now than deal with
the items later. Ask if you should pass the clothing on to another family or simply donate.
TIP #2: Buying ahead doesn’t always get you ahead. It can be tempting to buy clothing for future
seasons when you see a great deal. But the problem is, kids, grow at unpredictable rates, and their
preferences change. When you buy ahead you have to store the clothing and remember that you
have these things when the need arises. If saving money is important to you, remember that
retailers are going to run sales on kids’ items prior to each season.
TIP #3: Pay attention when putting away clean laundry. If your kids bypass the same clothes
week after week, chances are they are never going to wear them. Before filling the drawers with
clean clothes, get rid of the ones that they don’t wear. Simplify their wardrobe and you’ll
simplify your laundry routine too!
TIP #4: Drawers and closets are containers with fixed dimensions. Take a hard look at the
storage space in your child’s room to set limits on how much clothing you can reasonably keep.
Maybe your daughter loves dresses and has 50 of them but they are spilling out of the closet.
Help her decide which 20 are her favorite and consign or donate the rest. Do the same for the
clothes that you are constantly jamming into drawers each week.
TIP #5: Keep a donate box in the closet. When my kids were very little, an empty diaper box
worked great for corralling clothes that they had outgrown but you can also use a reusable
shopping bag or Amazon box. When the container is full, you can take it to a donation center or
pass it along to another family.
I hope these tips help you feel more in control of your kids’ clothes! Please reach out to me if
you would like a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your home.
Jamie Ritchie Home Organization