CFCE of the North Shore is funded to serve families from Beverly, Boxford, Danvers, Marblehead, Middleton, Peabody, Salem, Swampscott, and Topsfield. Our main goal is to support you as your child's first teacher.
At CFCE of the North Shore, we are dedicated to providing support for families with young children. Our friendly and experienced team offers early education services and workshops and activities for children aged 0-8. We offer a variety of programs and services, including those designed to help families learn and grow together in a positive and engaging environment.
Our groups and programs are always FREE!!! Check for Extended Playgroups opportunities.
CFCE of the North Shore is funded by the Coordinated Family and Community Engagement grant from the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care awarded to Peabody Public Schools.
FREE Playgroups- Register Now!
Peabody- Mondays- Cutie Patooties
Middleton- Mondays- STEAM Playdates
Peabody- Tuesday- Terrific Toddlers
Danvers -Tuesday- Toddler Time
Boxford-Tuesdays-Imagination Station
Peabody- Wednesdays- Wild Wednesday
Danvers- Thursdays- Little Learners
Middleton-Wednesdays- Preschool STEM
Boxford Wednesdays- Play Academy
Peabody- Thursday- Expressive Fun