
40th Annual Gloucester Schooner Festival

August 24, 2024

Welcome to the 40th Annual Gloucester Schooner Festival! This year, the festival starts with a kick off concert on Wednesday Evening, August 28th, 2024 and concludes with the schooner race on Sunday, September 1st, 2024 (with Labor Day Monday held as a rain date).  This capstone to the summer is steeped in history and jam-packed with events and opportunities to get up-close and personal with these beautiful ships. The Gloucester Schooner Festival has become a Labor Day weekend tradition for thousands of people every year and we hope you will join us in this year's historic festivities!

walter bibkow schooner 3_edited.jpgThe Gloucester Schooner Festival is put on by Maritime Gloucester. Every year schooners from all over travel to Gloucester Harbor to participate in a weekend like no other.  Whether under sail, chartering, racing, or as a dock-side attraction, these magnificent vessels have thrilled audiences each and every year for the past 40 years. This website is designed to offer all the information you will need to plan an exciting weekend on and off the water. 

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May be an image of sail, sailboat and text that says 'GLOUCESTER SCHOONER FESTIVAL CHOONE Thursday, August 29th SCHOONER CHALLENGE SAILS Join our local Schooner Captains as they participate in friendly competition putting their seamanship to the test over an "obstacle" course to win special Schooner Festival Challenge trophy. There will be post challenge pizza party and award ceremony for all participants. ADVENTURE 5pm- 2.5 2.5hrs hrs ς E. LANNON 5:30pm- 2 hrs ARDELLE 5:30pm- 2 hrs Visiting schooners already arrived will also join the event. Visit <a href=

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May be an image of boat racing, sailboat, sail and text
May be an image of boat racing, sailboat, sail and text
May be an image of ‎boat racing, sail, sailboat and ‎text that says '‎Large Class Vessels* 40"h Annual Gloucester Schooner Festival George GeorgeBekris Bekris ا-دد Adventure American AmericanEag Eagle Columbia Denis Sullivan Ernestina ErnestinaMorrissey Morrissey Offering Ticketed OfferingTicketedSails Sails essels saanan may change depending on weather, tide, scheduling, etc.‎'‎‎